Eastkart Racing

Registration form

Here you can register yourself or your team for our SWS races.

Do you have any questions?

Then contact us at the phone number above or send us an e-mail 🙂

Enquiries via the reservation form will be answered within 48 hours.

Arrival at the Actioncenter:
For Member Training and Sprint Races, 30 minutes before the start time.
Please select category *

Member Training 3x25'

Please select all dates you want to register for.

SWS Sprint Race 3x24'

Please select all dates you want to register for.

SWS Team Race

Please select all dates you want to register for.

Team name *
Team members *

International Karting Cup (IKC)

Birth date *
T-Shirt size *

Personal data

Type of customer *
Title *
First name *
Family name *
street + number *
Place *
E-Mail *
Mobile number *
Country *
Your message